+1 626 331 0515 templeamishalom@gmail.com
Ritual Music



A Bridge to the Eternal One

Religious devotion is more than just the
words we speak—We encourage worship
through acts of loving kindness.

Prayer/davening consist of more than just words. Each one of our prayers carries a message from the heart, and draws a bridge between us to the Eternal One. We recite traditional passages written in Hebrew, and accompanied by English text, and transliterations for everyone to follow along. Prayer shawls/Talllitot and head covers/kippahs are available in the lobby.

Shabbat Services

At the heart of our worship is our Shabbat service. We offer this service every Saturday morning and every other Friday night (visit Events page).

All are welcome to join.

High Holy Days

When the stars align the shofar is sounded. We honor this time with song, music, and reflection as we embrace the start of a new year. Come pray with us and listen to the sound of the shofar—and start the new year with a mitzva.

Mi Sheberach Requests

We pray for the healing of those who are not well and ask on their behalf for their speedy recovery. There is also a time during services to raise your hand and speak their names. Contact our office you’d like to add a person to our list.

“Praise Hashem with trumpet sound; praise Hashem with lute and harp!”

– Tehillim 150:1-3